Benefits of Co-Living

Why co-own a home?

  • Create affordability by paying either half or third of all housing and living costs.
  • Establishing greater financial security.
  • An alternative to living a lonely and isolated life.
  • Living with your chosen friend or relative, providing a sense of companionship.
  • Optimize Health & Safety by no longer living alone.
  • Maintaining Independence and quality of life.
  • Living with Peace of Mind enjoying everyday life.
  • Best of both worlds, living with Privacy & Shared spaces.

For Seniors in particular

  • The Coronavirus will change Seniors thinking about their housing future.
  • Retain Capital Gains unlike Retirement Villages where you can lose up to 25% or more of your investment. (Refer:
  • To co-own a home is a fresh approach to Retirement Living.
  • Stay connected to family and places you know and love.
  • Enables Seniors to remain in their family communities.
  • Facilitates Seniors to Downsize, live with a friend, and cash up.
  • Downsizer Superannuation & Stamp Duty incentives.
  • Share all living & housing costs.

For Families in particular

  • The benefits of multi-generational living are many:
  • Families developing a high level of attachment & closeness.
  • Grandparents serving as role models for their grandchildren.
  • Grandparents feel engaged and useful.
  • Financial restraints are eased.
  • The social problem of loneliness is solved for both the elderly and the young.
  • Family members' quality of life is improved.
  • Home Security is improved.
  • Health and well being are improved.
  • Coliving Australia homes are a solution for the changing needs of
  • Multi-generational families

For Investors in particular

  • Co-Living is the next generation in residential investment property.
  • Increase rental returns by up to 100%
  • Every square metre is optimised for rental returns.
  • Co-Living changes the viability of residential investing.
  • Multiple rental agreements in a Co-Living home reduces the risk of occupancy downtime.
  • Choice of renting as one home or multiple tenancies.
  • Negative Gearing can offer Property Investors tax benefits.
  • Beat the over supply of standard family homes, and invest in a purpose built designer housing niche market.
  • Housing affordability is decreasing, so why not look to a green shoots residential Co-Living investment market.
Luxury Homes Designed & Built for Co-Living
Proudly part of the
Secure Housing Group
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